Introducing Henry

Henry has been designed to save hotel managers time by formulating professional and empathetic responses to guest reviews.

Respond to Reviews With A Click

Worried formulating the perfect response to a review post of your hotel, good or bad, takes too long? Not with Henry. Our tool analyzes the review and provides suggested text for responding constructively in seconds.

Henry’s natural language algorithms replicate an empathetic conversational style, but frankly, that’s the easy part. The clever bit is machine learning that continually teaches Henry to acknowledge and respond to issues guests mention in their reviews. 

Henry will, for example, understand the context around praise for particular dishes in your restaurant, comments about rates and service charges, or complaints about a cold or noisy room. All this means you can confidently react to guest feedback with a simple click of the mouse.

Try Henry For Yourself

Why Is Responding To Reviews Important?

Responding to reviews shows that your business values customer feedback. In the case of bad reviews, it’s a chance to show you are committed to resolving issues and improving customer satisfaction. Thanking customers for a positive review also shows you care. Don’t take our word for it though. TripAdvisor’s statistics show that, compared to properties that don’t bother, those that respond to over 50% of their reviews are 24% more likely to receive an inquiry. So, responding to customer reviews promptly and professionally is proven to make a real difference – yet we know doing it manually can be hugely time-consuming.

How Henry Saves You Time

Henry eliminates the need for hotel staff to manually read and analyze each review to determine an appropriate response. Instead, he quickly ‘reads’ the review and provides a suggested response based on the content and tone of the review. Alternatively, the tool can provide templates for common issues, allowing staff to avoid the need to start from scratch. Either way, Henry exists to help make sure all reviews receive a timely and appropriate response from you. Talk to us about how we can integrate him into your existing systems and processes.

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